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Tag "switzerland"

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Charlie Sheen Bails Ex-Wife Out of Jail, Wants Kids

December 5, 2011 by Sheen Tracker No Comments divider image

Oddly enough, while rumors of Charlie’s untimely death at a ski resort in Switzerland made its way around the net, his ex-wife, Brooke Mueller, was at a ski resort in Colorado. But she wasn’t exactly just there to ski down the slopes, but to party, with her kids along for the ride. It happened in […]

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News of Charlie Sheen’s Death Greatly Exaggerated

December 2, 2011 by Sheen Tracker No Comments divider image

Charlie Sheen is not dead, despite what you may have read on Twitter. But he is the victim of the latest death hoax circulating around the internet by those who unscrupulously report these things. He joins a long line of celebrities including Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber, Dave Matthews and Bill Cosby to name just a […]

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Charlie Sheen’s...

They say the wheels of justice move slowly. I thought in order to arrest...

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Sheen Apologizes to...

As we mentioned the other day, Charlie said during a phone interview with the...

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Charlie Sheen Does...

Apparently Charlie Sheen has actually gone a day or two without putting his...

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