Charlie Sheen Mask: Creepy or...
The people at Hyperflesh have created a Charlie Sheen mask, but before you...
There was a lot to cover today for Sheen as he was roasted, eulogized and this weekend, presented an Emmy, so let’s get to it. First off, of course, was his Celebrity Roast on Comedy Central that we’ve been talking about for weeks, airing opposite the first episode of Two and Half Men and I […]
The people at Hyperflesh have created a Charlie Sheen mask, but before you...
There is more casting news from the Anger Management Team, Charlie’s new...
We’ve already said that Chuck Lorre and company won’t be submitting the...
While Charlie Sheen would no doubt look at this as another challenge, a private...
As we mentioned the other day, Charlie said during a phone interview with the...