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Charlie Sheen: Sparring Partner and Other News

May 25, 2011 by Sheen Tracker divider image

Sugar Ray Leonard, one of the great boxers, was at a Juvenile Diabetes fundraiser when he mentioned that he had an idea for a charity event. Him and Charlie Sheen could box for money. The bruiser turned dancer (in last season’s Dancing with the Stars) says that Charlie reminded him of how he’d punched the […]

Sugar Ray Leonard, one of the great boxers, was at a Juvenile Diabetes fundraiser when he mentioned that he had an idea for a charity event. Him and Charlie Sheen could box for money. The bruiser turned dancer (in last season’s Dancing with the Stars) says that Charlie reminded him of how he’d punched the warlock in the stomach awhile back, but Leonard doesn’t remember it. Apparently they were just messing around, but he thinks it would be a great way to raise money. With Charlie being on the charitable side lately, perhaps it wouldn’t be a bad idea? Leonard also said that he believes he could take him, although he didn’t get into why, but we can guess.

There are some that wish Charlie Sheen wasn’t so social network aware like Prince, who once said that the internet was over. Well it may not be over, but this certainly not going to help his opinion any. Apparently Sheen, who loves to tweet about just anything on Twitter, revealed that he would be attending a surprise concert by Prince at the House of Blues in Los Angeles tonight. But once he realized his mistake, he tweeted again that if it was supposed to be a surprise, it’s too late. Especially since his tweet went to 2 million people, some of who probably retweeted it to others. The perennial purveyor of purple will be playing three shows at the famed music establishment, one in each room like the Music Hall, which is the main room, the Jazz Café, and for a charity event in the private Foundation Room. It is unclear which one, if not all of them, he was planning on attending.

Believe it or not, they are still debating whether the police escort in DC that Sheen received to get to his tour date on time is still being argued. Some say that the escort was inappropriate since only visiting state dignitaries and the president gets such service, but a later examination revealed that DC police have been providing others like Jay-Z the same treatment and argue that it is not against the rules. The revelation only stirred up more controversy where there shouldn’t be any. Sheen’s team payed back the city, so what the problem is we don’t really know.

And that’s all the news for the moment. Thanks again for reading.

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