Charlie Sheen Happenings...
Sheen stirred up some trouble on the way to his DC show when he got a high...
Now that it’s official that Charlie Sheen will be in the TV version of Anger Management, the focus now turns to who will wind up with the show and whether or not Charlie will behave, at least according to industry watchers. There is quite a bit of speculation as to what network, if any, will […]
Sheen stirred up some trouble on the way to his DC show when he got a high...
Charlie Sheen has teamed up with Funny or Die for a cooking show of all things,...
Even though CBS would really like Two and a Half Men to return to their...
I turned on Jay Leno to see Charlie Sheen do what he does best, and I wasn’t...
Charlie Sheen, who just landed a new job with Lionsgate, has used his warlock...