Charlie Sheen and the Torpedo...
Charlie Sheen began his 20 city Violent Torpedo of Truth tour in Detroit to a...
Well, with only weeks away to Halloween, it seems that Sheen-Mania is in full swing at the costume shops. One of the largest Halloween retailers in the world, Spirit Halloween, says that pop culture is going to be a big thing this year and Sheen is at the top of the list. He’s the #1 […]
After his rant about Chuck Lorre and his recent problems with drugs, the production team has decided that they can no longer work with Charlie Sheen anymore and told CBS that they have fired him. The show had already suspended production for the remainder of the season earlier this week. CBS and producers have decided […]
Charlie Sheen began his 20 city Violent Torpedo of Truth tour in Detroit to a...
Charlie Sheen tweeted that he was honored that Two and Half Men would send him...
Not one single episode has been shot. In fact, the cast hasn’t even been...
It’s been quite a day or two for Charlie Sheen. First he and his legal team...
Has Sheen brought his multimedia blitz into the recording studio for a new song...