Charlie Sheen Happenings...
Sheen stirred up some trouble on the way to his DC show when he got a high...
TIME Magazine each year comes out with a group of famous and infamous that they think are deserving of Person of the Year and this year they’ve included Charlie Sheen. Now you would think that he should feel honored about that. Past winners include such notables as Charles Lindbergh, Franklin Delano Roosevelt twice, JFK, Martin […]
Well, the Violent Torpedo of Truth tour is still packing houses in record time. Sheen was to appear at the famed Radio City Music Hall for one show, but when all 6000 tickets went, they opened up another show which also sold out, both within 30 minutes. His group announced today that they would be […]
Sheen stirred up some trouble on the way to his DC show when he got a high...
It’s no secret that Charlie loves baseball. He’s often seen at games and he...
There was a lot to cover today for Sheen as he was roasted, eulogized and this...
Charlie Sheen’s friends now say that the embattled actor regrets what he did...
Charlie Sheen and his ex-wife actress Denise Richards went to a law office this...