Charlie Sheen Announces More...
Charlie Sheen is expanding his “Violent Torpedo of Truth” show to five new...
Even if Charlie Sheen doesn’t finds no more work to do and his new projects go belly up, you won’t see him at the soup kitchen, unless he’s serving food there. In a few weeks, he’ll be getting $25 million dollars, which is what he settled on in his arbitration with Warner Brothers and Chuck […]
Even if Charlie Sheen doesn’t finds no more work to do and his new projects go belly up, you won’t see him at the soup kitchen, unless he’s serving food there. In a few weeks, he’ll be getting $25 million dollars, which is what he settled on in his arbitration with Warner Brothers and Chuck Lorre, but as game show hosts say, that’s not all. Seems the rest of the deal is going to keep Sheen flowing in money for years to come.
See, Charlie Sheen filmed 180 episodes and the $25 mil is only what was already owed him, not what he will be owed in the future. What he will get are the proceeds from royalties when any of his episodes are aired and/or syndicated, meaning that he could still conceivably still get that $100 million he originally sued for, just over time. He wont, despite his early claims that his contract was written that way, be getting any sort of money from the episodes after he got fired, those with Ashton Kutcher.
But it must be nice to be able to know you’ve got a reliable income for a long time without having to lift a finger. Of course, Charlie isn’t resting on his laurels. He has his new show Anger Management that he is currently taping and the independent film A Glimpse into the Mind of Charlie Swan III to keep him busy.
Charlie Sheen is expanding his “Violent Torpedo of Truth” show to five new...
We’ve reported here on the ups and downs of the Violent Torpedo of Truth...
It seems that Detroit will be a happier memory for Charlie Sheen after what...