Charlie Sheen as a Dog in...
It seems that back in 2002, Charlie Sheen, along with a pretty hefty cast, were...
Brooke Mueller was headed for a Mexican rehab center that Sheen felt was very dangerous for his ex-wife and in a show of chivalry, flew there in his private jet, picked her up and brought her back to Los Angeles. But she still needs treatment and he has vowed to pay for that with doctors […]
Brooke Mueller was headed for a Mexican rehab center that Sheen felt was very dangerous for his ex-wife and in a show of chivalry, flew there in his private jet, picked her up and brought her back to Los Angeles. But she still needs treatment and he has vowed to pay for that with doctors who have helped him through his addiction. He hopes that she’ll be able to beat the drugs with their regiment, instead of the something so scary. The show of caring has perhaps reignited a flame between the two, a flame that may create a spark of new romance for the divorced couple.
Charlie was right to have concerns about the treatment that she would have received from the Mexican clinic. The program, which is said to be a very intense 7 day experience, uses a drug called Ibogaine as part of the regiment. For those who have never heard of it, that’s probably because it’s illegal in the US. Ibogaine is a serious psychoactive compound that can cause very intense hallucinations and other mental problems. The clinic said they use it to rewire the brain, but the high risk and fear factor was too much for Charlie. He did not want to see the mother of his two children put through that. Which we do find touching.
Their reconciliation, if there is such a thing, will most likely come when she gets out of the treatment program that they have set up for her. Sheen has implored her to move closer so that they can spend more time together, her and the kids. Mueller currently lives with her mother, who is serving as the sober caretaker for her children.
We aren’t sure how Natalie Kenly, who is the remaining goddess, is feeling about all this. We have to say one thing. She has been pretty understanding about his choices. Mueller had even lived with the pair of goddesses with her kids and Sheen for a while at his Sober Valley Lodge. It is interesting that he asked her to move close, but not with him. Perhaps he knows that the stress might be too much.
We do wish Brooke Mueller all the best and hope she can get over her addiction for her children’s sakes and even Charlie’s.
It seems that back in 2002, Charlie Sheen, along with a pretty hefty cast, were...
It’s no secret that Charlie loves baseball. He’s often seen at games and he...
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