Charlie Sheen Announces More...
Charlie Sheen is expanding his “Violent Torpedo of Truth” show to five new...
Denise Richards, Charlie Sheen’s ex-wife and the mother of his two daughters Sam and Lola, has written a book in which she describes in detail her life with the man that she once loved. “The Real Girl Next Door” which is set to debut on July 27th, will tell of the good times they’ve had […]
Denise Richards, Charlie Sheen’s ex-wife and the mother of his two daughters Sam and Lola, has written a book in which she describes in detail her life with the man that she once loved.
“The Real Girl Next Door” which is set to debut on July 27th, will tell of the good times they’ve had and not the bad. Richards has said that she felt the book needed to provide a bit of perspective that Charlie is not all bad, despite what they’ve read about him in the media and the tabloids. They were truly in love and had a lot of great memories, but things do happen and in the end, their relationship ended in divorce. She hopes that the book will also provide some comfort to those who are going through a divorce too.
Of course, the timing of the release will no doubt trigger the suspicion factor in Sheen’s fans that she is jumping on the Charlie money wagon, especially with the rocky relationship they’ve had over the years since their divorce. There was a restraining order, a custody battle, and even accusations of not properly taking care of their dogs. But on the other hand, she has also been supportive in times of need such as when he was put into psychiatric care after trashing that hotel room and allegedly attacking the porn star, charges that were later dropped. Richards also offered to watch his kids from Brooke Mueller if a “suitable parent” was required.
According to Richards, they are in a good place right now and if this book is as positive as she says it is, they should stay that way, but we doubt that such talk will do well for the actual sales. As we found out from the Violent Torpedo of Truth tour, people don’t want to see goodness, they want to see the train wreck.
Charlie Sheen is expanding his “Violent Torpedo of Truth” show to five new...
It seems like his ex-wives are getting along better now with Charlie Sheen then...
Charlie Sheen’s roast was hysterical and the man took the jokes with as much...